Friday, September 03, 2004

Again, Think "Rad" as Only a Log Can and CONTEST RESULTS

In honor of the under of the under, the gutter of the gutter, of the end of the RNC and the beginning of the true scum-hate battle (that we here in the fair City by the bay will have no impact and hear nothing about because we have been deemed illegitimate, because We will vote for Kerry no matter the nastiness, the swift boat shenanigans, etc.), we give you a return engagement of everyone's favorite log. It is a different log, from across the street here on San Jose Avenue and it is, yes, still thinking "rad."


First, we here at the Painted Ground want to thank you all for the excellent, excellent entries in this, our second of our monthly contests. It was a difficult decision and there was much lively debate and, honestly, things were said here at the Painted Ground that I feel that I can't repeat. It's been tough. In the end, though, we have two winners: pw/sf/pa and Editors var. for the "Love Chickens" and the Shmoo, respectively. Excellent work, you two. Again, everyone will get a prize bauble for entering (a genuine, Original Painted Ground Polaroid) whereas our co-winners will receive the bauble, a beer and a book to be determined later. Perhaps pw/sf/pa and Editors var. will let us know what they get. Happy Labor Day, everyone!

The Painted Ground Posted by Hello

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"co-winners"? How can you have co-winners? Surely either pw/sf/pa or Shmoo was the better of the two. Come on now, Painted Ground. Let's not be wishy-washy.