Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Putting Shame in Your Game

Well, the universe seems to have realigned itself yesterday.

Dems controlling the House? And... *GASP* ... someone is gonna bring "San Francisco Values" to Washington D.C. We hope that involves teaching the folks back East how to properly make a burrito. We had one in Boston years ago. We can assure you that whatever we ate we would never call it a "burrito."

Additionally, Rummy is gonna step down. Wheee. That means the war is over, right?



Robert Gates is taking his place?

Boggle Fact: Did you know that you can get eleven point from the word "quagmire?"

Prop J passed. Means not a damn thing, so we're sure the above picture will never happen.

We also can't forget the news that the world has been waiting to hear for about two years. That's right. Cletus is getting devorst.

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