So Lonely
Where ist thou, TAFKAYELRA?
Apropos absolutely nothing, who out there thinks that Obama could take the Presidency? The Official Wife of the Painted Ground North HQ thinks that the US isn't ready for a black pres, and that nominating him would be tantamount to handing the GOP 8 more years in the executive (a position that the Painted Ground N has held about HRC for a while now). Whaddaya think?
If not him, who? If not now, when? You must have THE AUDACITY OF HOPE!
Shouldn't we? Dude's got the mojo for sure, but can he stand up to the gravitas of McCain? What will he smell like when the bloom is off the rose?
I don't think of McCain as having gravitas. He's Mr. Straight Talk Express. But he'll get no props for his record on Iraq. I'm counting on W doing in the GOP with a truly nasty scandal coming to a tv near you just before Nov '08. Obama just needs to stay in the game, look pretty and keep talking nicey nice.
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