Friday, March 09, 2007

Friday Roundup

The Painted Ground would like to take a moment to introduce you to the most prolific graffitiosta of the moment in the City. Mildred seems ubiquitous these days. That's okay. We like Mildred's stuff. Check out the Flickr set.

Speaking of which, the Painted Ground's Flickr set has grown exponentially this week. Please check out our pictures 'cuz it would make us oh so happy.

Interesting things from the web this week:

  1. There's no "P" in Tom Hanks.
  2. The trial of Han Solo.
  3. Ten movies to look forward to now that the Oscars are over.
  4. Citizen Hero.
  5. Name all 192 U.N. recognized countries in ten minutes. T.A.F.K.A.Y.E.L.R.A is a big fat dork. He played this damned game so much that he eventually only missed two. Just for the record, he missed Gambia and Jamaica.
pic courtesy of San Francisco and The Wall.

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