Thursday, June 28, 2007

Glen Stroud Cannot Be Trusted

The Painted Ground has been finding these strange scribblings all around the city for the last year or so. Our original meeting came when we discovered some scribblings on a piece of paper. Not sure what to do with it, we tucked it away in a drawer somewhere. (What can we say? We were into collecting found items at the time.) Now it seems that this spurned person is venturing into sticker territory.

We're not entirely sure what it all means. Nor are we sure what a reed has to do with AIDS. Although, we're pretty certain we know how the word "anal" figures into this. Perhaps an oboe was... oh, no.. it's far too disturbing to think about.

The curious part is that we found a couple of these stickers just laying on the sidewalk, not affixed to anything. We then saw one stuck to the side of the 26 bus. Alas, we didn't have time to whip out the Olympus.

Others have found similar notes, it seems. One is marring our new pal Thylacine Graphics' work. Another sheds some light on the Mysterious Mr. Stroud's region of origin.

What a strange predicament. Whatever you do, stay away from anyone named Glen Stroud for the time being.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I recently got a $1 bill in my change, and above Washington's portrait is written:


On the back, in the top margin:


He certainly ticked off someone.